The Perfection Triad

Perfectionism can lead to difficulties with emotional aggression. Sometimes emotional aggression occurs because we expect others to be perfect. Sometimes it occurs because we expect ourselves to be perfect. But what does ‘perfect’ really mean? When I teach an ecospirituality group, I often ask several students to describe their ‘perfect’ day. One might say that a perfect day would be […]

Controlling Others

“Never underestimate your power to change yourself; never overestimate your power to change others.” -H. Jackson Brown Jr. Controlling others is an attempt to make others responsible for our own emotional states. The actions that happen in our lives lead to a response. That response is a set of beliefs and behaviors about what just happened. When I act on […]

First Board of Directors Meeting

The Mindful Ecotherapy Center, LLC has been providing continuing education in mindfulness and ecotherapy since 2007. During all of that time, students of Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy have continually expressed a desire for an organization that specifically caters to the educational needs of counselors and therapists who practice Mindful Ecotherapy. With these needs in mind, the Mindful Ecotherapy Center, LLC will be […]

We Value Your Feedback!

Your feedback can help us improve the user experience for you and for others. At the Mindful Ecotherapy Center, LLC, we believe in providing an exceptional experience that evolves with your needs. We are excited to share our unwavering commitment to continuous improvement! Your satisfaction is our priority. We actively seek and value your feedback to understand your expectations better. […]

Mindfulness and Control

“He who angers you conquers you.” -Elizabeth Kenny Mindful Ecotherapy relies on the 7Cs of family resilience. These resilience factors help you to better weather the storms that come with life. The second ‘C’ of the 7Cs of family resilience is “control.” If someone has the ability to anger you, then that person just controlled you. If you allow others […]

Body Communications

Body communications are a way of learning about how our bodies respond to emotional situations. Automatic processes are processes that we have engaged in so often that we don’t even have to think about them anymore. Remember when you first learned to drive a car? You were probably nervous, trying to remember all the rules of the road, what all […]

Internal Validation vs. External Validation

`“If it’s never our fault, we can’t take responsibility for it. If we can’t take responsibility for it, we’ll always be its victim.”` -Richard Bach, author Internal Validation is the art of validating ourselves. We all like to be validated. It’s why we have relationships in the first place. We enter relationships so that others can support us emotionally. This […]

Aggressive vs. Assertive Communication

In mindful communication, we learn to communicate in ways that are assertive rather than aggressive. By setting firm boundaries in non-aggressive ways, our interactions with others become assertive without resulting in hurt feelings, arguments, or conflict. If setting boundaries does lead to conflict, learning to be assertive rather than aggressive allows us to find peaceful and productive resolutions to differences […]