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Don’t forget to subscribe to the Mindful Ecotherapy Center’s Youtube Channel for the latest news and commentary, free lessons, useful resources, and mindful meditations!

This listing of Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Program Facilitators contains program and contact information from graduates of the Mindful Ecotherapy Center’s Facilitator Program.

Please browse the listings below for a coach or facilitator in your area.

If you are interested in becoming a facilitator or coach, please click here to learn about the training programs offered by the Mindful Ecotherapy Center.

Facilitators who complete the program are eligible for a free listing in the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Directory below. MBE Facilitators also get free support and consultation via email.

Directory of United States MBE Facilitators

If a state is not listed below, there are currently no Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy facilitators in that state.

California | Colorado | Florida | Indiana | Kentucky | Massachusetts | Michigan
Minnesota | Montana | New Hampshire | New York | North Carolina | Ohio | Oregon
Pennsylvania | Tennessee | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Washington | INTERNATIONAL


Australia | Canada | Hungary | Netherlands | Sweden | Turkey

If you have completed the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Facilitator Program and would like a FREE listing in this directory, please complete the application below (completion of the program will be verified prior to being listed).

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Mindful Ecotherapy Center’s Youtube channel for updates and useful resources!