Automatic Thinking

Learning to drive an automobile can be an overwhelming task. You have to focus on keeping the vehicle between the lines on the highway while watching for other cars, traffic signals and road signs. In addition to all of this, you must constantly glance at the speedometer to make sure that you are driving at a safe speed. You cannot […]

Mindful Moments – 7Cs of Family Resilience

All families encounter problems from time to time. When families go through a crisis, some fall apart, while others manage to “ride the storm out” and come through the other side relatively intact. Research has shown that families who manage to handle a crisis effectively all have certain characteristics in common. These characteristics are called resiliency factors. In this episode […]

Mindful Acceptance

One of the skills we develop in the practice of mindfulness is the skill of ‘acceptance.’ Acceptance allows us to experience emotions without feeling obligated to react to them. This is done by noting the emotion, and then letting go of the negative thought processes that the emotion generates. We can benefit from Mindfulness by learning to accept the flood […]

What is Mindfulness?

“Mindfulness is the energy of being aware and awake to the present moment. It is the continuous practice of touching life deeply in every moment of daily life. To be mindful is to be truly alive and present with those around you and with what you are doing. We bring our body and mind into harmony while we wash the […]

Book a Training Seminar with Dr. Hall

Charlton Hall, PhD is available for training and instruction at your organization. This could be an in-person training, a webinar training, or a hybrid of both. Seminars are available in half-day, all-day, or multiple day formats for any of the topics in our Courses section of the website. The complete Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Certified Facilitator Program is also available as a […]

Mindful Moments – The Emotional Aggression Cycle

We create our reality based on our assumptions and our perceptions about the world and our place in it. By making assumptions about the world, and using our perceptions, based on those  assumptions,  to  look  for  evidence  to  support  our  beliefs,  we  eventually  create  a  reality  that reflects those assumptions and perceptions.In this episode of Mindful Moments will talk about […]


Dr. Charlton Hall started his Family Therapy business career in 2008 by creating and running the Family Therapy Teaching Clinic at the Upstate Family Resources Center in Spartanburg, South Carolina while still in graduate school. He served as the Clinical Services Director, then went on to start several successful Family Therapy private practices. His last job before becoming the Director […]

Transgender Remembrance Day

Transgender Remembrance Day is November 20, 2022. On this day we honor the memory of those who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence. Imagine your life was in danger on a daily basis simply for being who you are. Imagine suffering discrimination not only in the workplace, but also in your school, in your church, or in your own […]

Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Facilitator Manual 2nd Edition

This Second Edition of the Facilitator Manual for the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Program contains the complete text of the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Workbook plus additional material on how to facilitate each session of the program. The Facilitator Manual also includes information on running a successful group, and the stages of group change and group dynamics. This manual is designed to help facilitators of the […]