Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Organization (MBEO)

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The Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Organization (MBEO) exists to promote the skills of mindfulness and ecotherapy. We are now offering memberships in the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Organization (MBEO). In 2025 membership in MBEO will be one of the requirements for becoming certified as a Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapist.


Changes to the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Facilitator Certification Program

In order to offer more flexible options for the Mindfulness-Based Facilitator Certification Program, MBEO has made some changes to the path to certification. There are now TWO options that lead to certification.

In the past we’ve only offered the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Facilitator Certification Program as a package; however, there are three courses contained within the program itself.

Program content for the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Facilitator Certification training includes:

  1. Mindfulness for Therapists – 10 online hours
  2. Ecotherapy for Therapists – 10 online hours
  3. Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Program Facilitator Training – 30 online hours
  4. Case Presentation

TOTAL = 50 online hours

We are now offering another option.

You may now also purchase the courses individually and complete them one at a time, instead of purchasing the entire package at once. The complete certification package offers you a substantial savings (over 20%) over buying the courses individually, but you may also purchase the courses listed above separately and complete them one at a time if you prefer this option. If you choose this option, you will need to contact us when you are ready to submit your case presentation.


The current Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Facilitator Certification Program trains facilitators for the 12-Week Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy (MBE) Group Program, teaching instructors how to run their own 12-week MBE groups. In July of 2024 this program will be replaced with the Ecospirituality Group Facilitator Certification program that will train instructors in how to run a 12-week Ecospirituality group.

In January of 2025 we will be offering a Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Certification Program that teaches licensed mental health professionals the 12 therapeutic skills of Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy. This will be a more robust certification training that will be more applicable across a wide range of therapeutic situations.

The current Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Facilitator Certification Program will be available until June 30, 2024.

As we move forward with these changes we would love your input!

Click here to visit the forum and join the discussion!

NEW Ecospirituality Program in 2024

The current Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Facilitator Certification course will be replaced in July 2024 with the Ecospirituality Group Program, which will expand to include a more spiritual element to the training and to the program.

Somewhere between 90% and 95% of people on Earth practice some sort of spirituality. Obviously, spirituality must be pretty important. Studies tend to back this up. What the studies show is that the type of spirituality doesn’t really matter. Whether you’re Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, Hindu or Pagan, or even agnostic or atheist, practicing some sort of spiritual path yields benefits.

Since the particular type of spirituality is secondary to the benefits gained (in other words, since all spiritual paths lead to a better quality of life for those who practice them properly), what is it about spirituality that allows it to work its magic?

Suppose you could take all the spiritual paths practiced worldwide, put them into a cauldron, and boil them down to their essence. What would remain? I believe that the common thread to all spiritual practices is a feeling of connection. Connection to others, or connection to the divine, or simply connection to nature and to ourselves. In short: Spirituality = Connectedness!

If you think back on the spiritual experiences you’ve had in your lifetime, do recall feeling connected on some level? Many describe spiritual experiences as a sense of ‘oneness.’ Oneness implies connection to something outside ourselves. In this sense, even an agnostic or an atheist could achieve spirituality through connection.

The new Ecospirituality Program scheduled for release in 2024 will incorporate elements of this connectedness!

MBEO Board of Directors


We will be incorporating the MBEO as a separate 502 c 3 nonprofit corporation in Washington State at some time in 2025. At that time, board members will be directors of the nonprofit organization. In the meantime, board members will act in an advisory capacity as we seek to solidify the vision for the new organization.

If you are interested in serving on the Board of Directors for the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Organization (MBEO), you may find an application here.

When we incorporate as a nonprofit, we will be introducing bylaws under the jurisdiction of the state of Washington. You do not have to be a resident of Washington to serve on the board. We are currently in the process of developing the bylaws. Board members will guide this process. We solicit your feedback as we begin this process.

View the proposed bylaws below (subject to revision based on feedback) as well as other documentation pertinent to the upcoming Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Organization nonprofit.

Useful Links

Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Guidelines for Nonprofits and Charitable Organizations

Nonprofit Association of Washington

Starting a Nonprofit in Washington State

Washington Department of Revenue

Washington Nonprofit Corporation Act