Mindful Acceptance

“Never underestimate your power to change yourself; never overestimate your power to change others.” -H. Jackson Brown, Jr. The skill of Mindful Acceptance can best be described as the Art of Letting Go. Once you have done everything in your power to solve a problem, you have done all you can, so at that point worry and stress is counterproductive. […]

The Skill of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a skill like any other. It can sometimes be difficult to learn, because it is so diametrically opposed to the way we’re accustomed to thinking, acting, and doing. Some of the techniques of mindfulness may feel strange at first, simply because they are different. ‘Different’ doesn’t mean ‘better’ or ‘worse,’ it simply means ‘different.’ With practice, however, these […]

What is Mindfulness?

The most basic mindfulness technique involves simply paying attention to the moment. One way to do this is to focus only on your breathing, without thinking about anything. If a thought comes to mind, simply note it and let it go, without judging yourself or the thought. It’s perfectly natural that thoughts will try to surface, because we are taught […]

NEW Course: Orientation to the Mindful Ecotherapy Center

If you’ve never taken a course on our website before, this FREE course will guide you through the process! Click here for our FREE course: Orientation to the Mindful Ecotherapy Center This course is a FREE orientation on how to take courses with the Mindful Ecotherapy Center, LLC. If you’ve You may find it helpful to go through this tutorial […]

Negative and Positive Thoughts

Human beings in general are very good at getting caught in negative thought processes. You might try this activity sometime to illustrate the point: Buy a bag of marbles and carry them in your pocket all day. Every time you catch yourself having a negative thought during the day, take a marble out of the bag and put it loose […]

Living in the Moment

We all have things that make us anxious. Think about some things that cause you anxiety or stress. Now ask yourself, “How many of them have to do with worrying about events that happened in the past?” It doesn’t matter how recently in the past the event took place. It could have been five years ago, five days ago, five […]

Process Addictions

Emotional aggressors can sometimes become addicted to their gaslighting behaviors. The three major symptoms of an addiction are withdrawal, tolerance, and loss of control. In substance abuse, “withdrawal” manifests in physical and psychological symptoms upon abstaining from the drug of choice. “Tolerance” means that it takes more and more of the same drug to get the same effect. “Loss of […]

How Gaslighting Works

Last week we talked about what emotional aggression is and how emotionally aggressive people often use gaslighting to achieve their goals. Today we’re going to talk about how gaslighting works. We’ll also discuss some common statements used by gaslighters who are being emotionally aggressive. The term “gaslighting” comes from the 1938 play, Gaslight. This was made into a film in […]