The Monomyth

The Monomyth was the creation of Joseph Campbell, who was an American mythologist best known for his works and lectures in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His personal philosophy is often summarized in the phrase, “Follow your bliss.” One of his areas of study was the archetypal nature of world mythologies. He noted that myths from around the world followed […]

NOW AVAILABLE! Ecospirituality Group Facilitator Certification Program Bundle

CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE THIS BUNDLE AT A SAVINGS OF OVER 20%! GET AN ADDITIONAL $50 OFF DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE! Regular price: $299.99 For June, 2024 this bundle will be $249.99! What is the Ecospirituality Group Program? This Ecospirituality Group Facilitator Certification Program teaches you to be an  Ecospirituality Program facilitator. The Ecospirituality Group Program is a 12-week […]

Call of the Coyote

The Call of the Coyote is a path to ecospirituality. Last week we talked about the emerging “dark green religion.” What is ecospirituality, and what does it have to do with a dark green religion? The original meaning of the word “spiritual” comes from the Latin spiritus, which means, “to breathe.” So originally, that which was spiritual was simply that […]

Dark Green Religion

“Empirical studies have begun to demonstrate that many people in advanced industrial cultures resonate deeply with what could be called nature spirituality or nature religion. Some of these people view the world as full of spiritual intelligences with whom one can be in relationship (an animistic perception), while others among them perceive the earth to be alive or even divine […]