
Ecoplay: Re-Introducing Your Children to Nature is the workbook for the Ecoplay eight-week group program created by Dr. Charlton Hall. This is the pdf version of the workbook.

NOTE: If you enroll in the Ecoplay Online Homestudy Course, there is no need to purchase this workbook, as a copy of the book in pdf format is included in the course materials.


Ecoplay is an evidence-based eight-session training program designed to give parents and their children the opportunity for experiential activities outdoors that combine mindfulness, ecopsychology, and the skills of positive parenting. Ecoplay is an authoritative, rather than authoritarian, approach to discipline and parenting. It is a framework for guiding your child(ren) to reconnect to nature in healing ways. Ecoplay trains parents to be nature-based play therapy facilitators for their own children. It is also a theoretical framework and approach to parenting that allows children to express themselves in play, their natural language. Ecoplay allows this expressive play to happen in healthy natural outdoor environments.

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