This text is Part B for Running a Successful Group, called Running a Successful Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy (MBE) Group. This course is part of the educational requirements to become a certified Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Group Facilitator.
Most of the educational material in this course is reproduced in the Facilitator Manual for the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Program. The Facilitator Manual contains the complete text from the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Workbook, plus tips, suggestions and instructions for facilitating the 12-Week Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Program.


The Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Program is a 12-week program that meets once per week for one hour, with an optional 30-minute discussion period at the end of the class. The question-and-answer discussion period at the end of each class is optional for two reasons: 1. Making it optional empowers attendees to decide for themselves whether or not to stay for the discussion; 2. Making it optional allows Facilitators to determine who is engaged and who is not engaged, so that they may focus more attention on those who choose not to stay for discussions. Note that not staying for the discussion isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Doing some of the deep inner work in Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy will require a lot of inner processing, and some people may not feel like talking much after completing the exercises.
The Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Workbook is the manual for students. It is available at most major media outlets.
The Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Workbook is divided into 13 chapters. The first chapter offers an overview of the program, and the remaining chapters each cover one of the 12 sessions in the program. The workbook contains more material than could possibly be covered in each one-hour session, so Facilitators may wish to assign the reading materials as homework for each session.
There is a homework assignment for each session. These homework assignments should be reviewed at the beginning of the session so that Facilitators may check to see if students are integrating the materials properly.


The documents you will need for Running a Successful Group are linked below. You may wish to download them and print them out before continuing with the course.