Course Section Objectives

After completing this course section, the student will be able to:

  • Discuss and describe the concept of Mindfulness
  • Differentiate between Doing Mode and Being Mode
  • Discuss Differentiation and how it relates to Mindfulness
  • Discuss Individuation and how it relates to Mindfulness
  • Discuss emotional regulation and how it relates to Mindfulness
  • Discuss and describe Emotional Mind, Rational Mind, and Wise Mind
  • Discuss the process of Externalization and how it relates to Mindfulness
  • Discuss and describe Positive and Negative Thought Streams
  • Describe and discuss the Mindful Skill of Observing
  • Describe and discuss the Mindful Skill of Describing
  • Describe and discuss the Mindful Skill of Fully Participating
  • Describe and discuss the Mindful Skill of Being Non-Judgmental
  • Describe and discuss the Mindful Skill of Focusing on One Thing at a Time
  • Describe and discuss the Mindful Skill of Being Effective
  • Describe and discuss the Mindful Skill of the Power of Intention
  • Describe and discuss the dialectic of Acceptance vs. Change
  • Describe and discuss Mindful Acceptance
  • Describe and discuss Letting Go
  • Be able to conduct a basic Mindful Meditation
  • Discuss several Mindfulness-Based forms of therapy

This module on Mindfulness for Therapists three modules:

MODULE 1: Mindfulness Skills
In this section, we will discuss some of the techniques of Mindfulness and how to apply these techniques in a therapeutic setting. There are several activities in this section that can be used with patients. You will be asked to participate in these exercises so that you will be familiar with them when using them in a clinical setting. Handouts and worksheets used in these exercises are included in the Course Documents so that you may save them for future use.

MODULE 2: Mindful Meditation
In this section, you will be asked to fully participate in two Mindful Meditation exercises. These are contained in recordings for the course. There are also accompanying videos that will be imbedded in the lessons for this module.
You may use these recordings with your own patients as long as original video and/or audio files are kept intact. By participating in these exercises, you will gain firsthand experience in the techniques of mindful meditation. This experience will help you to coach your patients as you teach them meditation skills. It will also help you to grow in your own practice of mindfulness, allowing you to be present in the moment when in session with patients.

MODULE 3: Using Mindfulness with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
This section will look at some of the basic techniques of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), an overview of four mindfulness-based forms of cognitive behavioral therapy, and how to integrate Mindfulness skills into CBT in a clinical setting.